
Talking to OpenERP from the console

Wouldn’t it be cool to do things in OpenERP via simple python scripts that you could launch from the console ? Fortunately , OpenERP has been designed to help with this.

The RegistryManager class (openerp.modules.registry.RegistryManager) is so awesome that it only takes a single line to get a working pool. You can then start coding right away.

import openerp
pool    = openerp.modules.registry.RegistryManager.get("test")

There. You have your pool that is connected to the « test » database. You can start playing with it immediately.

import openerp
pool             = openerp.modules.registry.RegistryManager.get("test")
# get a valid cursor (for browse, search etc.)
cr               = pool.db.cursor()
# get the superadmin user ID to have special powers
uid              = openerp.SUPERADMIN_ID
# get the module object from the pool
module           = pool.get("ir.module.module")
# We want to uninstall the "helloworld" module for instance
uninstall_id     =,uid,[("name","=","helloworld")])[0]
# Get the module object
uninstall_module = module.browse(cr,uid,uninstall_id)
# Call its "module_uninstall" method

# Done !

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